A year after we moved to Pakistan my dad decided we would get a German Shephard much to my moms dismay. This story is quite funny. My mom had no idea my dad was scheming a plan with my sister and I. We woke up one morning and he had made plans for us to go see a 9 week old German Shepard puppy at a dog breeders pen. We were so excited not only at the prospects of finally owning a dog but also because our mom had no idea whatsoever what we were doing. So that morning we went to the breeder and spent a good 2 hrs with the little guy. He had the biggest paws I had ever seen especially for a little 9 week old puppy. But I think the most significant feature that stuck in my head were his big, beautiful honey brown eyes. Such warmth and innocence and loyalty just in his eyes alone. I will never forget those eyes. We were all in love the minute we saw him and ended up bringing him home that afternoon. My mom was of course really upset that we had without her permission brought home this little creature that she never wanted in the first place but within a few weeks she was doting over the fellah as well. She adored him so much that she would on occasion let him hang out in the house with us or would sneak treats to him.
It was really sweet to see her love for him grow and that I think is the therapeutic nature of pets in general. They have a presence and they become an integral part of ones life. My first baby before I had the kids was my African Grey, Neo. Now of course the kids come first but Neo has so much emotion and personality and is actually a very sensitive bird. He requires some one on one time almost daily. He shares the same emotions we as people share but obviously has different ways of expressing it. So this post is dedicated to those darling pets that have touched our hearts in ways we will never understand. Just stop for a second and look into their expression-full, innocent eyes and you will sense their sincerity and love. All they want is for you to reciprocate it.
Here are a couple of pictures of Neo. We have had him since he was 12 weeks old and now he's 6 yrs old. He has become my next top model.

He actually looks like he is posing for you Khadija! too cute.