January 29, 2011

Baby Love, Oh Baby love.....

I had the best time photographing 1 month old Baby Mutasim this week. What a sweetheart baby! I realized after todays shoot how much I miss having a newborn in the house, not that that means Im ready for another child in my life but it reminded me how fragile and peaceful these little beings are and how comforting they are to hold and cuddle with. He had the sweetest disposition and pretty much slept the first half of the shoot. The second half was more entertaining as we had to keep him happy and awake by waving rattles, pacifiers and other knick knacks in his face. He was a joy to be around and was a real trooper throughout the session.

In this shoot I wanted to portray the ethereal quality that surrounds little babies. Their presence so small yet their aura so big. Their calmness so comforting yet their needs so real. I do hope I was able to capture the essence of little Mutasim's personality. Thank you Ather family for letting me enjoy your newest bundle of joy.

Heres a little sneak peak from the shoot:

1 comment:

  1. Yet another great shoot Khadija. Mashallah baby M is a handsome little boy and you did an amazing job capturing his innocence and baby charm.
