With this shoot I wanted to make sure that both JonElle and Kevin were comfortable enough around me to be themselves, to bring out the natural way they interact with each other. Its not easy to bring out the ease in someone when you want them to kiss or hug or pose without it seeming too staged. We had fun with it though and through our laughs while walking around Old Town we were able to open up to each other and get some fun creative shots. JonElle also had a specific request in wanting to incorporate NY jerseys in some of their pictures since they both grew up and met each other in New York. I really appreciate it when couples bring something special to their hearts into a photography session with me. It personalizes the pictures and adds a lovely story to the session.
The best part about this shoot was that even though I knew I wanted to take advantage of the quaintness of the town everything else was done on a whim. We started off at the waterfront and then as we moseyed our way around the lower part of the town Id find an interesting structural feature like a bright yellow door or a pretty cobbled street and we'd stop to get some shots around that particular element. One of my favorite shots was of the two of them against the evening sun and their long shadows being cast in the background. The natural element was the perfect opportunity for me to be creative. I really enjoyed the spontaneity around this particular session not only because of the beautiful setting or because I was capturing the love between two people but because JonElle and Kevin's easy and vibrant personalities made it even more interesting and fun to be around.
Thank you JonElle and Kevin for allowing me to capture your love for each other. I wish you much happiness and continued laughter as you step into the next phase of your lives together.
Heres a sneak peek from their shoot.

U have good job May u achieves ur all aims